Press releases
Production of horticultural saplings increased by 40% over last 5 years
In the last 5 years the tendency of the increase in horticultural saplings production in Ukraine remains at the average annual level of 12-15%.
Ethanol production will create additional domestic demand for 800 thousand tons of corn
Setting the course to the use of mixtures of gasoline with bioethanol can expand the domestic consumption of corn in Ukraine by 800 thousand tons.
Ukraine lost $80 million because of decrease in dairy products exports
As a result of the 1st half of 2012, exports of dairy products from Ukraine, in terms of value, decreased by $78.9 million or by 29% in comparison with the first half of 2011.
Record volumes of milk from farmers to be processed
According to the results of the 1st half of 2012, farmers, for the first time in 6 years have overtaken the households in terms of milk supply for processing. According to the survey of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) "Major livestock holdings in Ukraine: dynamics of development", such trends indicate major structural changes that will determine the status of the Ukrainian milk market.
Quality and efficiency of logistic resources will determine the fate of agriculture - international expert
The potential for improvement of the efficiency of agriculture is much higher in developing countries than in developed countries. This point of view was expressed by Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in University of Goettingen in Germany Ludwig Theuvsen. He said that Ukraine plays an important role in supplying the world population with food, but at this stage investors are discouraged by unreliability and unpredictability of the domestic conjuncture of the agricultural sector.
Cost of wheat on SWOT reached record levels over last four years
Yesterday on SWOT Chicago Mercantile Exchange the bids on wheat ended with price rises for the September contracts by 4.3% to $8.84 per bushel ($328/t). According to the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB), it is the highest price for wheat over the last 4 years.
Since the beginning of marketing year Ukraine exported over 100 thousand tons of sugar
In September-June of 2011/12 marketing year Ukraine has exported 117.9 thousand tons of sugar, which is unprecedented figure of volume of the last decade. The lion's share of sugar export accounts for spring-summer period, during which 90% of this amount was delivered to foreign markets.
Export of grain reducing by nearly 5 mio. tons in 2012/2013 marketing year
Export of grain crops in 2012/2013 marketing year will decline by almost 5 mio. tons in comparison with the previous marketing year due to low harvest of early grain crops. This was stated by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB). In addition, experts have fear about further decline in exports due to record material losses of farmers this year.
Quantity of nitrates in early watermelons and melons do not exceed standards
The first melon products appeared this year on the wholesale markets almost a month earlier than usual. Last season watermelons and melons were considered early if they appeared on July12-15th. The first products in season 2012 on the markets of Kyiv could be already bought on 15th of June and in the south of Ukraine they were available even earlier. According to experts of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB), the amount of nitrates is normal in the early products that are sold on wholesale markets.