Alex Lissitsa,
President of UCAB,
Kateryna Rybachenko,
Vice President of UCAB
CEO, Agro-Region

Yuriy Melnyk,
Deputy Chairman of the Board, MHP
Georg von Nolcken
CEO, Continental Farmers Group

Sergiy Krolevets,
General Director, Eridon
Evgeniy Osipov
CEO, Kernel
Dmitry Kravchenko,
Chairman of the Board, LNZ Group
Viktor Ivanchyk,
CEO, Astarta-Kyiv

Roman Slaston
Country Lead Ukraine, ICL Growing Solutions
Igor Shylyuk,
CEO, Cygnet Agroholding

Kravchuk Sergiy,
General Director, Gals Agro
Vorona Olena,
CEO of Agrotrade Group
Maria Osyka Director of Agribusiness Investments, NCH in Ukraine |