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10 February 2025

Analytical information


Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January – September 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January – September 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 11,1 million) and reaching USD 31.3 million. Poland, Germany and France became the top three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine and these countries together provide 70% of imported cheese.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January – August 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January – August 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 9,4 million) reaching USD 27.1 million. Poland, Germany and France became the three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January – July 2017

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January – July 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 7,4 million) reaching USD 22.8 million. Poland, Germany and France became the three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January – June 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA.

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January – June 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 6 billion) reaching USD 19.1 billion. Poland, Germany and France became the three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January - May 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA.

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January - May 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 5 billion) reaching USD 15.7 billion. Poland, Germany and France became the three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA.

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, 53.6 % increase of export of agricultural products is observed amounting up to USD 1.4 billion as well as 16% increase of import amounting up to USD 0.3 billion.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January-November 2016 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA.

According to the State Fiscal Service, over the first eleven months of 2016 comparing to the same period in 2015, 4 % increase of export of agricultural products is observed amounting up to USD 13.6 billion as well as 11% increase of import amounting up to USD 3.5 billion.



Grains and oilseeds market review 09.10.2015

Grains and oilseeds market review 09.10.2015

During the corresponding week (02.10-09.10.2015) a sideward price trend was observed on the domestic market of wheat. Thus, the price for food and feed wheat in UAH equivalent remained at the level of 3100 and 2820 UAH/t respectively, due to the slow realization of agricultural products by producers that were waiting for increase of prices on the market.




Informational bulletin of Independent Public Expert Council on the Price Situation in the Agricultural Market

December 19, 2013. At the Agrarian Union of Ukraine a regular meeting of the independent Advisory Council on the Price Situation in the Agricultural Market took place with the participation of the Agrarian Union of Ukraine, the Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club”, analytical center “Ukragroconsult”, AUC “Cossack Grain Union”, project “Trading Advisor”, independent experts and with the support of USAID-Agroinvest.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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