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16 February 2025

Press releases


LFM 4.0 Large Farm Management

Ucab How will Ukrainian agribusiness change in 10 years?

Robots on dairy farms, drones that spread the trichogramm in corn fields and the unmanned tractors – it’s the present. What are we waiting for and to what we should be prepared in the nearest future? Agribusiness 4.0 - this is a new topic for discussion in the world agrarian community.



Ucab The British named major competitive advantages of the Ukrainian agribusiness

On 27 January in Kyiv the British agricultural producers shared their impressions of a visit to the Ukrainian agricultural enterprises that took place from 23 to 28 January. The trip to Ukraine was arranged by Syngenta Company supported by the British Embassy in Ukraine. The British agricultural producers visited Poltava and Zhytomyr regions, joined the field crops conference ‘Workshop of Farmer’ supported by Syngenta in Kharkiv. The final destination of the visit was Kyiv where they told reporters about experience gained during trips to agricultural farms, and evaluated potential of the agricultural sector in Ukraine.



Syngenta held a charity exhibition to support children with disabilities

A charity exhibition fair of children’s works ‘Workshop of Dreams’ initiated by the leading international company ‘Syngenta’ together with a gallery of modern art ‘Garna Gallery’ took place on 22 December 2016. Pupils of creative studio ‘DIMFO’, which educates children with disabilities, showed their works.



How will land consolidation increase income of communities?

Within 2016 1,340 land auctions were announced to be held that is by 31% more than the same period last year. The majority of these auctions is aimed at selling the right to lease agricultural lands.



The right to dispose state-owned lands should be transferred to the local councils, - UCAB stated

Ucab The right to dispose state-owned lands should be transferred to the local councils, - UCAB stated

Social professional organizations of agricultural sector applied to Andriy Parubiy, the Head of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, to facilitate speedy adoption of the draft Law No.4355 dated 31.03.2016 ‘On Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Broadening of Powers Vested on Local Self-Government Authorities in Land Resources Management and Strengthening State Control over Use and Protection of Lands’.



During the fourth module of AgroSchool  industrial process control was discussed

Ucab During the fourth module of AgroSchool industrial process control was discussed

On 10-11 November in Kyiv the Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ (UCAB) held the fourth module of the UCAB AgroSchool ‘Management of Dairy Business – 2016’ dedicated to the industrial process control issues. The module involved theoretical and practical sessions as well as site visit to production facilities of the private enterprise ‘Agrofirm Rozvolozhzhia’.



Farmers are demanding to solve the problem with grain crops transportation

Ucab Farmers are demanding to solve the problem with grain crops transportation

Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ applied to Volodymyr Hroisman, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, to intervene in a critical situation with transportation of grain freights by railway. The relevant application letter was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers on 10 November.



Meat and milk can get more expensive in November

Ucab Meat and milk can get more expensive in November

In November of the current year a gradual increase of prices for vegetables and apples within 3-7% is forecasted due to completion of the harvesting peak. Increase of price for meat is anticipated as well, since the processing plants will start purchasing products for manufacturing sausage goods for Christmas and New Year holidays that will stimulate expansion of the demand.



Agribusiness can lose up to USD 1.2 billion annually because of the populist members of parliament

Ucab Agribusiness can lose up to USD 1.2 billion annually because of the populist members of parliament

The experts of UCAB note that enactment of a Bill No.5300 on additional export duty will completely destroy the investment climate in Ukraine and can lead to loosing investments amounting to USD 1.2 billion annually for the agricultural sector.



UCAB supports raising of minimum wage

Ucab UCAB supports raising of minimum wage

The Association ‘Ukrainian Agribusiness Club’ supports raising of the minimum wage up to UAH 3,200, and considers that this decision is aimed at supporting the rural population as well as reducing the ‘gray’ wages amount.



The state will subsidize the most profitable culture in 2015

Ucab The state will subsidize the most profitable culture in 2015

Last year, according to the State Statistics Committee profitability of buckwheat was the highest among other crops and was estimated by 100%. Thus the draft of budget for 2017 provided subsidies for growing this financially attractive culture.



Agricultural producers will save 119 million dollars on expanding quotas

According to UCAB estimates, savings by increasing the quota for tax-free export of agricultural products to the European Union may be around 119 million dollars. The biggest savings observed in the group of grain and its processing products.



Business climate APD UCAB

Ucab Business climate in the agriculture sector of Ukraine improves significantly

APD and UCAB have conducted the fourth survey on agri business climate index (ABI), which consists of agri business climate, representing an evaluation of current economic situation and expectations, as well as of agri business index, which indicates changes in the evaluation of the current situation. Mainly individual households but also crop producers have significantly increased their evaluation of agriculture business climate in Ukraine. The surveyed agriculture producers link the enhancement of business climate particularly to the impact by general policies as well as to state support for agriculture.



Large Farm Management

Ucab VII International Conference Large Farm Management was held in Kyev

VII International Conference Large Farm Management was held on September 22, 2016, in Kyev. It was organized by the Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) and Agency AgriEvent in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition (IAMO). The main purpose of the event was to discuss key aspects of strategic decisions and management agribusiness problems in a wide range of representatives of the sector. 300 representatives of the leading agricultural companies in Ukraine, CIS and European countries, international organizations and academic institutions attended the conference.



Ucab Deficit of fuel and grain hoppers is the main problem of grain logistics in 2016

Roundtable on "Deficit of grain hoppers within export logistics” held 14 September at 11.00 a.m. in the office of AgroGeneration. There were representatives from agricultural and logistics companies, exporting companies, and representatives from authority and Ukrzaliznytsia among the participants of the roundtable.



The topic of the third module of «AgriSchool» was a preparation of feed

Ucab The topic of the third module of «AgriSchool» was a preparation of feed

8-9 September 2016 Cherkasy city hosted the third module of AgriSchool UCAB called "Management dairy business 2016. Preparation of feed: hay, haylage, silage".



UCAB calls the Government to speed up the registration of plant protection products

Ucab UCAB calls the Government to speed up the registration of plant protection products

In an open letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman, the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness club" and the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine called the Government to solve the problem of restoring the state registration of new plant protection products immediately.



Agrarian business associations against fertilizers import limitations

Ucab Agrarian business associations against fertilizers import limitations

Agribusiness NGOs in Ukraine do not support administrative price regulations asking for abolishment of anti-dumping custom duties for ammonium nitrate and other additional implementations of duties for carbamide, mixed ammonium nitrate with carbamide.



Ukraine entered a group of three leading flour suppliers to Indonesia

Ucab Ukraine entered a group of three leading flour suppliers to Indonesia

Despite overall narrowing of Indonesian flour import due to development of internal milling facilities, Ukraine has increased supplies of this products group and thus, Ukraine has overcome its competitors from Turkey and India.



Emphyteusis as mortgage instrument

Ucab Emphyteusis as mortgage instrument

The UCAB Association in cooperation with Union of poultry companies, Ukrainian agro association, National Agriculture Council of Ukraine and Land Union of Ukraine stand for law act project # 4010 “On development of law regulation of land usage for agricultural purposes (emphyteusis)”, registered in Supreme Council of Ukraine on July 15, 2016.



Export as an instrument to overcome meat’s industry stagnation

Ucab Export as an instrument to overcome meat’s industry stagnation

Initiated by UCAB Association round table on “Meat production development and beef export’s perspectives” was held on 28 of July, 2016 in Kyiv. Representatives of industry companies, related associations, State Food Safety and Consumer Protection Service of Ukraine, processing entities and beef meat traders have gathered at the event.



Agriculture machineries’ production growth in Ukraine

Agriculture machineries’ production growth in Ukraine

Currently production of agriculture machineries and equipment has increased. Thus, during 1H 2016 768 disk-shaped harrows, 1981 seeders and 2274 cultivators have been produced which is 68%, 46% and 25% extra comparing to previous year results. Growth in production was marked with 2% soil tillage machines’ export decrease as a result of internal demand rise for Ukrainian technics.



УКАБ закликає підтримати скасування експортних мит на насіння льону та рижію

The UCAB Association calls to abolish export custom’s tariffs for flax and false flax’s seeds

The Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club stands for abolishment of export tariffs for seeds of flax and false flax. Nowadays 10% export custom tariff is applicable in Ukraine for sunflower, flax and false flax’s seeds aiming to facilitate internal processing in the country to expand export of oils and other processing products. Nevertheless, such custom tariff has no any crux concerning flax’s seeds. International market operators don’t deal with flax’s oil. Thus, flax’s seeds trade value on global markets has reached M 868 USD, whereas global value of flax’s oil trade counted only at M 121 USD.



The UCAB Association requests to consider agribusiness’ proposals to the Tax Code changes

Ucab The UCAB Association requests to consider agribusiness’ proposals to the Tax Code changes

The Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” salutes common initiative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on issues of taxation legislation, Supreme Council of Ukraine and the Ministry of finance of Ukraine concerning urgency of tax law optimization, including aspects of agro business. Along with, the UCAB’s Tax Committee has issued drafted project of changes to tax legislation, which are designed to simplify co-work of agro business entities and authorities.



Ukrainian exporters actively use the EU non-tariff custom quotas

Ucab Ukrainian exporters actively use the EU non-tariff custom quotas

In accordance to the European Commission information, Ukrainian agro and food producers have fulfilled in 1H 2016 non-tariff EU quotas for nine groups of products, such as: natural honey, sugar, cereals and flour, wheat gluten and malt, processed tomatoes, grape and apple juice, oat, wheat, wheat flour and granules, corn, corn flour and granules. Main quarterly quotas for poultry meat and prepared semi-finished products were closed in both 1Q and 2Q of the current year.



uP-running Horizon 2020 UCAB

Ucab The way to convert orchards wastes into cash

Third consecutive workshop on perspectives of APPR woody biofuel supplies business was held in Vinnitsa on June 30, 2016.



60 M tons yield of grains in Ukraine foreseen by UCAB

Ucab 60 M tons yield of grains in Ukraine foreseen by UCAB

Due to the Association UCAB experts’ estimations 2016 grain yield expected to reach 59.8 M tons which less comparing to previous year by 0.3 M tons. Along with, 2016/17 MY grain export is projected to reach 35 M tons – 3.6 M tons less comparing to the past season.



Ukraine negotiates an increase of non-tariff quotas for export to the EU

Ucab Ukraine negotiates an increase of non-tariff quotas for export to the EU

On 22 July of 2016 in Brussels Ministry of agriculture policy and food of Ukraine commonly with General Directorate of the EU have held “Round table” devoted to agricultural business in the “Agro dialog EU –Ukraine, 2016” framework. Minister of agricultural policy and food of Ukraine, Mr. Taras Kutoyi, other Ukrainian and European business associations’, along with leading companies’ representatives have took part in the event.



Unique speakers' geography is the key characteristic of GRAIN UKRAINE

The “stars” of agribusiness will gather on the 23rd and 24th of June as part of GRAIN UKRAINE conference. The program of the conference will raise a number of important and topical questions, by virtue of reports of the best international speakers, who are leading specialists in their sectors of agrimarket.



“Stronger together” event was held in Myrgorod

Ucab “Stronger together” event was held in Myrgorod

The Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) in cooperation with city authorities has organized a seminar on the subject of agro export options to the EU; along with the team has organized training for local authorities and NGOs with topic about fund rising from the EU institutions.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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