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21 September 2024



Ukraine earns about 16 bln USD on the export of potato chips

For three years Ukrainian producers have been increasing export of potato chips. While import have reduced doubly. According to the AssociationUkrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) Ukrainian chips producers could increase the export volume up to 12 ths. tons compared to current 7 ths. tons due to the rise of processing own raw resources and orientation on domestic production.

In 2011 the export of potato snacks was about 7 ths. tons that is 40% higher than in 2009. While import for the reported period reduced doubly from 7,8 ths. tons till 4,5 ths. tons. «Such tendency is a result of increasing the processing of raw materials, which have been supplied by domestic producers. The professional potato producers, who direct on chips production about 100 ths. tons of potato, are in the first place. Generally, agricultural enterprises produce annually about 600 ths. tons of potato in production quantities. It allows to affirm, that there are possibilities for increasing realization of potato for processing», - says Adviser on horticultural markets UCAB Igor Strelyuk.

However, the positive tendencies on increase of potato snacks production could come across the threat of underproduction, in the first place by the group of agricultural enterprises. As is generally known, in 2011 Ukraine gathered a record harvest of potato (24,2 mln. tons).«On the one hand it pleased the consumers with low prices, on the other - low prices would force the professional producers to be thoughtful, if they could relive one more year with losses? It is still hard to speak about the growth of potato production in 2012, because now the remains exceed demand doublyIf Ukraine annually loses about 2 mln. tons of potato, then in season 2011/12 losses will at least double. In such a matter, the main question, which disturbs producers this year: where to sell off the remains of products?», - says I. Strelyuk.

The problems of horticultural products’ realization will be discussed more detailed on the III International Conference «Commercial horticulture in Ukraine 2012», which will be conducted on the 16th of February in Kyiv.

  • Baker TILLY
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  • MHP
  • Maschionet
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  • DuPont Pioneer
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  • NCH Advisors
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