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27 July 2024



UCAB condemns the radical actions of protesters on the Polish border and demands that the offenders be brought to justice

Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” shares the anger of the Ukrainian agricultural community regarding the cynical destruction of Ukrainian grain by protesters on the Polish border and calls for an immediate stop to such radical actions.


On February 11, near the Yagodin-Dorohusk checkpoint, Polish farmers did not allow three trucks with grain to pass, barbarously damaging the cargo seal and spilling the products onto the road. Police are investigating the protesters' actions.

Such destruction of Ukrainian grain by Polish protests is unacceptable and immoral as for almost two years russian missiles have been destroying Ukrainian grain in the fields and  silos, and russian invaders are stealing cereals from Ukrainian fields in temporarily occupied territories. Despite the constant risk of losing not only equipment but also their own lives, frequently to the sounds of explosions and in partially mined fields, Ukrainian farmers continue to sow and harvest grains and oilseeds. Such courage of Ukrainian farmers not only provides jobs in rural areas but also generates a significant share of Ukraine's military GDP and supports global food security. However, instead of understanding, Ukrainian farmers face unscrupulous actions from their Polish colleagues.

In addition, blocking the Ukrainian border is a manipulative measure since in recent months Ukraine has been exporting an overwhelming amount of agricultural products through other logistics routes, and only 300 thousand tons of products are exported across the western borders every month. It should also be recalled that from April 15, 2023, the Polish government introduced a ban on the import of Ukrainian grains and oilseeds. Consequently, products travelling through Poland are in transit to buyers in other countries. Also, blocking the border means that products from Poland and other countries cannot enter Ukraine, causing damage not only to Polish enterprises. At the same time, the attractiveness of Polish Baltic ports and associated infrastructure as potentially convenient transhipment routes for Ukrainian exports is irrevocably destroyed.

UCAB hopes to reach a mutual understanding in this situation and calls for an end to the deliberate destruction of Ukrainian agricultural products. We offer a constructive dialogue and invite Polish and other European colleagues to join efforts in developing mutually beneficial cooperation in third markets.


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