Agricultural management practices of the United States are to serve to Ukrainian colleagues

As we mentioned earlier, Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) in cooperation with its foreign partners launched a project of economical comparison analyses in Ukrainian agriculture for the first time in the post Soviet space. Developing well this project, UCAB and its American and German partners arranged a training session for one of UCAB’s experts – Andriy Tovstopyat to hold a contrast analysis of farm management in Ukraine and the United States.
“That is naturally that Ukraine is being compared to Iowa, which is the part of the US’s Corn Belt, – Mr. Tovstopyat who now is in a training trip comments, – climate, soil conditions and natural potential of this state and Ukrainian forest-steppe zone are very similar, but output and methods of work deserve careful study”. The significant distinctions may be noted at once. “Agriculture in the United States is very specialized, for instance over 80% of all farmers who deal with crops grow only two plants – corn and soy, adding to the rotation any other crops doesn’t bring highest profit”, – Tovstopyat talks. This idea is also confirmed by Kelvin Leibold Extension Farm Management Specialist at Iowa State University. He is sure that ag production has a chance to survive only if it is narrow specialized and highly mechanized, otherwise it will not be successful. This, I guess, is a way for Ukrainian agriculture if it is going to become competitive at the global markets.
The program of training includes the theoretical part (cost and profit analyses, production systems, legislation, state support, etc.) and visiting experimental and production farms.
Press-centre UCAB