Alex Lissitsa

Alex Lissitsa
blogerPresident of Ukrainian Agribusiness Club. General Director of Industrial Milk Company.
A leading specialist in Ukraine in the field of strategic strategic management, administration, efficiency and productivity analysis of agricultural and processing enterprises.
All records of blog
Brexit - chance for Ukrainian agribusiness
The UK government has been defending a liberal agrarian policy in the European Union for the past few decades, demanding substantial reductions in agriculture subsidies in the EU and matching them with environmental requirements.
Argentina-Ukraine (agrarian score) 8-2
There are few countries in the world that are similar to Ukraine in terms of the effectiveness of agribusiness and the role of agriculture in the country's economy. One of them, of course, is Argentina. The share of agriculture in the GDP of this Lat...
Will the agro-industrial complex be able to rewrite history?
Agribusiness of Ukraine this year continues to pleasantly surprise. Agro-export reached the record figure in the history this year. According to the State Fiscal Service, the positive balance of foreign trade in agricultural products in Ukraine for ...
7 typical misconceptions of the Ukrainian "agrarian experts"
Practically all inhabitants of the country understand how Ukrainian agriculture and agrarian politics work. This is connected not only with the rich history of agriculture in Ukraine, because many other states of Europe can also show off about t...
Which specialists are going to be a hope for agricultural sector?
An issue of agriculture over the past two years in Ukraine is being discussed at various levels staring from the all-knowing ‘experts’ in social networks and ending with the highest state officials. Agribusiness is the most dynamic sector...
Agrarian Academy: facts without comments
There are a few basic facts about activity of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences without detailed analysis and unnecessary comments. All information used has been taken only from public sources.
Trump’s victory as a slap in the face of globalization: Consequences for agricultural sector of Ukraine
There is an increase of provincialism in the field of global food production .For the agricultural sector of Ukraine it is bad news, and the state will not help